Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 3

Since I didn't get the Seishun no Flag singles yet, and the event was today, I first headed for Akihabara again to get the singles, then to Tokyo Dome's LaQua. The fact that I could just buy them at LaQua beside the stage didn't cross my mind. Got there around noon and was a little bit lolled at when I asked a couple if I had to do anything with the tickets and said I just got there. You see, they have an area in front of the stage which you can get a "priority area ticket" for, but then you need to get there around 7am and line up. Well, all was not lost. Stood in front of the fence that separate the public area and priority area, and about one hour before the main event all the girls got on stage for rehearsal. The best thing was that they didn't let people with priority tickets in yet, so I had a nice clear view of everyone. Mayuyu had yellow bloomers and Nacchan white. CinDy was there as host, and Matsubara Natsumi, Komori Mika, Nonaka Misato and Iwasa Misaki were there as guests (they didn't sing anything).

Live-wise, the main event wasn't as fun as the rehearsal. Could only see Harugon and Ayarin's heads, and alot of wotas screaming or making other noise. Between the songs they played some "write your answer on your board" game, and teached how to do the flag dance. The guests had some anouncement about TeamOgi but I was too tired to try to make out what they said. So at 3pm, when the live part was over, it was time line up for two hours to touch their hands. One ticket let you shake hands with all 10 of the present girls. First round went really quick, I said stuff like "you're really cute" and then Lovetan said "hi" in English and all the other girls started doing it too, so I just went on with that. Left with a big smile before lining up again for second round. This time CinDy burst out "I love you!" (in English) and I was like "I love you too!" Haha. Just before the third round it suddenly started raining heavily and I didn't have an umbrella but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, because the staff told everyone to not open any umbrellas! Japan... So I just said to Cindy what I thought about the weather in Japan. You really can't say something longer to all of them when you got one second per person (seriously). She was the one who I got the most eyecontact with. Harugon looked kind of exhausted, Mayuyu was really nice and open, Mikapon had dead eyes and didn't say anything to anyone, it was like she just had been raped. Still cute though. Natsumi was always smiling and happy. Oh, and I saw the half bald dude with glasses from the entertainment industry who appeared in AKBINGO ep 29 (where they decide who is the number one wota) do the handshakes, haha.

Decided to call it a day after that and went home soaking wet of sweat and rain. So that was my first AKB-related event. The girls are really cute up close, and even if I only got a few minutes to see them live, it made up for all the long hours of waiting. No pictures from the live or handshake as it's strictly forbidden.

Had Chinese noodles from 7 Eleven for dinner when I got home. Very convenient when everything else nearby is closed.

Today's and yesterday's loot. Not too happy with the cards from Seishun no Flag.

Midnight snack with Seishun no Flag PV on the new Macbook Pro. Team A's melon bread and Team B's onigiri.

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