Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 5

Today's route looked like this: Hamamatsuchou - Small park near Tokyo Tower - Hibiya Park - Tokyo International Forum - Kiba Park - Hotel East 21 - Kiba Restaurant Plaza.



Bonus Tokyo Tower pic.

Hibiya open air, where Natsumatsuri Hibiyayaon was held.

There are many homeless people living in parks and train stations around Tokyo. This is a man and his treasure.

A couple of workers on lunch break. There's always construction work going around.

Lawson is one of the four big convenience store chains. The others are 7 Eleven, Family Mart, and Sunkus. Personally I like 7 Eleven the best, but Lawson and Family Mart are good too. Don't see many Sunkus around lately.

Tokyo International Forum. I think the building is for meetings and events.

You can go up to the top floor where there are two expensive resturants. Looking out the windows on the right side you can spot the Shinkansen tracks.

This is the hotel where Baby! Baby! Baby! PV was recorded (on the roof to the left). The pool is open 7/16 - 8/31, and costs 5250 yen on weekdays (10500 yen on weekends, and the rooms are crazy expensive). I might go on a hot sunny day in August. I snatched a phamplet as well.

The spicy tofu from Shukan AKB was amazing, best food so far this time in Japan. But I must admit that the last pieces wasn't very spicy when cooled down.



If you wonder why the plate is different from the one in Shukan AKB, I think they just switched it so they could provide more rice. The tofu should be about the same amount.

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